Words of Wisdom 22.07.19

AUTHOR: Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro
HITS( 6038)

The key to building happiness in life is our practice. Just as with an athlete who must train very hard in order to win the championship, or with a patient who must follow the doctor's prescription in order to recover. If we practice according to the Buddha's teachings, we can learn to deal with emotional negativities by not becoming despondent from excessive attachment nor desperate from overwhelming stress. In so doing, we can succeed in our work or business, and be very happy and carefree at the same time. In Buddhism, and in particular Ch' an, the expression "let go" is often used to describe this state of mind.

To let go does not mean to abandon. Letting go of our work is not the same as abandoning our work; letting go of wealth is not the same as rejecting wealth. To abandon is a form of escape; to let go is a method for confronting problems.

~ Depicted from ARE U READY FOR HAPPINESS : The Significance of Buddhist Philosophy Today