The Buddha told us, “You are in the middle of a dream. It just feels like this dream is a bit longer than the dream last night. Don’t pay too much attention to what goes on in this dream, lest the dream should become so real that it can foolyou and inflict pain upon you forever.”

A guru, being a beacon of light to us, is vital for all who wish to seek liberation. The key is to make sure not to follow an unqualified Dharma teacher, for one will never attain liberation under the guidance of such a person. Nowadays society abounds with imposters. Anyone hoping to attain liberation must proceed with caution.

Having money is merely part of the meaning of being rich, not all of it. It is simply wrong to equate the two. Hence the saying, “One is so poor when one has nothing left but money,” is not wrongly put.

The cause and effect of good and evil is the common law of all lives, it transcends all the man-made laws, it is also the most fair law nowadays. Therefore, we must strictly abide by this law of cause and effect.